Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have been whining a lot lately on my post.  This time of year is very difficult for me.  I explained some of that in my last post so I won't rehash.

Let me apologize for my whining. 

I am truly thankful for all the things that I have in my life.

I am thankful for my husband who has stood by me thru the good times AND the bad.

I am thankful for my two beautiful and healthy children. 

I am thankful for my home and all the comforts in it.

I am thankful for my friends...old and new, those whose faces I know and love and those who I haven't had the honor of meeting yet.

I am thankful for my mother and her constant support and understanding.

I am thankful that I have a job....a well paying, flexible job.

I am thankful for my health.

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for my "crafting" ability.

And while I am truly thankful for all that I have in my life, you must know that my life isn't perfect and neither and I.  I struggle daily with many MANY things.  I am not a perfect mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend.  But I try.  I do my best.


  1. Of course you're thankful. Counting your blessings is one way of relieving stress....and so is ranting and getting if off your chest. Rest assured, Kristen, we've been there. Let it out and then breathe. :o)

  2. There are days when I too am fluent in Whinese, but just like you I am thankful 99% of the time. And always remember, nobody is perfect.
